You know what they say: a pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And with wrinkles, it's absolutely better to prevent them from appearing rather than only reacting when they already surfaced {though we do touch on dealing with existing wrinkles below) .
Here are the two most important preventative methods to avoid developing more wrinkles.
Protect your skin from the sun (Use Sunscreen). Sun exposure can damage your skin and intensify the aging process. To protect your skin from damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays, using sunscreen on a daily basis. Most people only use sunscreen when they're planning for and outside activity and this is actually the second biggest sun protection mistake they can make. (The biggest being never ever using sunscreen.) Most skin damage occures during normal daily activities like driving exposed to the sun or walking a few block every day during lunch break. Make life easy on you and get a good lotion that already has SPF in it. You don't need to buy a whole new bottle of sunscreen and add something new to your routine to get the protection you need.
Check your diet. Your skin is your body's largest organ and the fuel is uses to protect you matters! It's like putting the wrong gas in an engine. Often you can drive a little bit, but the engine will have a very short run and seize up. To protect your skin check out how many processed foods and sugars you put in your body. A quick tip is, if the food doesn't come from and outside edge of the grocery store, (i.e. were all the produce and clean meats are) check for sugar content and crazy-worded ingredients!
These first two items are almost all of the prevention that you need to actively focus on as they will naturally take care of the hundreds of nuance preventions you can take. The only major addition to this list would belong to smokes.
Smoking is like a wrinkle causing poison. It contains lots of harmful chemicals that can damage your skin and lead to signs of premature aging; amplifying the appearance of wrinkles. Primarily, it damages your skin's elasticity, making it drier. Work to quick smoking will not only prevent wrinkles but allow your body to clear up your skin from much of your past smoking as well.